Probability,Maxima-minima,Peak intensity,threshold limit,percentage reduction,absolute quantity,relative value,Average,business ( as usual) etc etc are not the terms and terminology only limited to mathematics and engineering but actually the innocent field of environment is plagued by these terms.So that a simple fact that nature has given birth to man and on it depends the survival of the man,is being forgotten or at least being escaped from.If not Climate change, at least environmental pollution and degradation (which is causing climate change) is quite obvious to even a layman.But still the talks of climate change among nations of the world reflects as some diplomatic world war being fought with every country having its weapon as a book shelf full of statistics and terms and a proposal which is nothing but a innovative complex mathematical formula about how to go for emission reduction.
At least developed countries are doing the said exercise as due to good universities and thanks to brain drain ,the expert mathematicians are available to only these nations.The developing countries are too following the wagon but due to limited expertise in mathematics they could not wrap their simple urge for survival with development ,in some complex mathematical formulation.They are also caught in a trap were one one side they are majorly effected by the climate change and on other hand the they have to think about necessities of their poor people.So now instead of coming to an agreement over the steps to be taken to secure our common future on this planet, the nations have made climate change discussions have become more a matter of f showing its mathematical prowess.Now instread of the pictures of plalts and animals which were prominently featured on books and magazines on environment,now lessons on probability,linear programming ,statistics are going to occupy most spaces.Instead of planting trees and recycling the waste now it will be suggested that we should manipulate our figures,or show them under some other head in the logbooks.Green mathematics or statistics,environmental calculus or conservation accounting are going to become promising fields under for study as well as jobs under category "green jobs".
I have no feelings of contempt towards mathematics or staticstics but issues related to life and death must be free from narrow confines of manipulative minds.
At least developed countries are doing the said exercise as due to good universities and thanks to brain drain ,the expert mathematicians are available to only these nations.The developing countries are too following the wagon but due to limited expertise in mathematics they could not wrap their simple urge for survival with development ,in some complex mathematical formulation.They are also caught in a trap were one one side they are majorly effected by the climate change and on other hand the they have to think about necessities of their poor people.So now instead of coming to an agreement over the steps to be taken to secure our common future on this planet, the nations have made climate change discussions have become more a matter of f showing its mathematical prowess.Now instread of the pictures of plalts and animals which were prominently featured on books and magazines on environment,now lessons on probability,linear programming ,statistics are going to occupy most spaces.Instead of planting trees and recycling the waste now it will be suggested that we should manipulate our figures,or show them under some other head in the logbooks.Green mathematics or statistics,environmental calculus or conservation accounting are going to become promising fields under for study as well as jobs under category "green jobs".
I have no feelings of contempt towards mathematics or staticstics but issues related to life and death must be free from narrow confines of manipulative minds.
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