Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Climate Mathematics for CAT 2010

Not you are wrong it is climate Mathematics not Quantitative aptitude that one must master to tackle CAT 2010.The reason :CAT 2009 which was conducted online had quant questions so easy that students were rubbing their eye and pinching themselves to believe that it is actually the CAT exam.The surprise was another unusual thing in the Online CAT Menu after the students gone through heavy frisking,I.D.card checking,Biometric fingerprinting ,face recognition procedure, signature validation and pre-test briefing.Having gone through these procedures many students hoped that online CAT 2009 should form a case study.Not for Management Programme but for CISF and CRPF personnels for ensuring security at airports and government installations.Anyways the surprising quant questions surely brought a small smile in the faces of the CAT 2009 aspirants (small because one cant be bigger when s/he has not eaten for last 3-4 hrs and standing all the time in queues going through the procedures).The smile was short live as when students tried to check their option the system broke down either due to power failure or virus (it was a computer virus not a mutant H1NI virus).
But while the fortunate CAT aspirants were happy solving easy Quant mathematics ,our environment minister Jai "ram" "Ram" esh * (no i am not shouting BJP's slogan) was explaining his calculations about indian sy\tand on Emission reduction.The unknown variable "x" in his explanation was a mutating factor either carbon intensity or emission intensity or energy intensity.The BJP parliamentarians were advised by the BJP bosses to take help of those CAT aspirants who were waiting for resheduling of their test to understand the ministers figures (in return the MPs have to cry CAT !CAT ! in parliament for a second or two,interestingly Amar singh thought that Katrina Kaif is coming at the well ).Anyways CAT aspirants too were unable to unpuzzle Jairam Ramesh's equations and gave up and said they will instead help the BJP MPs to solve Verbal section of the Liberhan Commissions report.On which Sushma Ji replied no need of it as another 17 years will be wasted and chances are that parliament questions will be asked online by then.
The tough climate change mathematics is expected to form part of CAT 2010 syllabus as parametric being a American firm will surely ask tough questions so that less people appear for CAT and less time computers will be ON and generate less CO2.Thus earn more carbon credits.Another tough calculation indeed.
Anyways if one still wants to prepare for CAT 2010 please closely watch and read climate change tutorial in Copenhagen.Some extra material for permutations and combinations topic will appear in few days when Jharkhand election results will be announced.For Probability topic commonwealth games 2010 is an example where amid others calculation of negative probabilities due of incompleteness of works, PM and sports ministers calculation are still around 1 .

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Welcome to the world of mathematics !

Probability,Maxima-minima,Peak intensity,threshold limit,percentage reduction,absolute quantity,relative value,Average,business ( as usual) etc etc are not the terms and terminology only limited to mathematics and engineering but actually the innocent field of environment is plagued by these terms.So that a simple fact that nature has given birth to man and on it depends the survival of the man,is being forgotten or at least being escaped from.If not Climate change, at least environmental pollution and degradation (which is causing climate change) is quite obvious to even a layman.But still the talks of climate change among nations of the world reflects as some diplomatic world war being fought with every country having its weapon as a book shelf full of statistics and terms and a proposal which is nothing but a innovative complex mathematical formula about how to go for emission reduction.
At least developed countries are doing the said exercise as due to good universities and thanks to brain drain ,the expert mathematicians are available to only these nations.The developing countries are too following the wagon but due to limited expertise in mathematics they could not wrap their simple urge for survival with development ,in some complex mathematical formulation.They are also caught in a trap were one one side they are majorly effected by the climate change and on other hand the they have to think about necessities of their poor people.So now instead of coming to an agreement over the steps to be taken to secure our common future on this planet, the nations have made climate change discussions have become more a matter of f showing its mathematical prowess.Now instread of the pictures of plalts and animals which were prominently featured on books and magazines on environment,now lessons on probability,linear programming ,statistics are going to occupy most spaces.Instead of planting trees and recycling the waste now it will be suggested that we should manipulate our figures,or show them under some other head in the logbooks.Green mathematics or statistics,environmental calculus or conservation accounting are going to become promising fields under for study as well as jobs under category "green jobs".
I have no feelings of contempt towards mathematics or staticstics but issues related to life and death must be free from narrow confines of manipulative minds.
(Photo courtesy:chrismadden.co.uk)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

But Doctor it's a girl ?

An act of kindness never goes unrewarded.It is always a great feeling to help some one and bring change in life of someone who is helpless and in difficulty.But our constraints of life and resources give us a perfect alibi for not doing any small act of kindness however important difference it could have made in the life of a person.We always placate our questioning superego that we will help others only when we will be able to and we are waiting for that grand moment.Thus most of our life is spent waiting and striving for that magic moment.Our hope to do good hence remains a hope forever.I am too not an exception,a desire for making a positive difference in the society , in the life of people around me especially those who are needy and helpless.I still wait for that proud moment when i will be in position to fulfill that desire.But i found some people who are not so calculative .instead of waiting for that magic moment they collect what ever their limited powers and resources,howsoever small it may be,to live to the moment and help others.They are quite simple people and still important.My mother told me about the doctor in our neighborhood.Young and newly married this lady doctor and her husband were among few of the early house owners of the colony which we reside today.She established her practices as a Gynecologist here and founded clinic cum hospital in the same house at first and second floor. Private practicing doctors are often seen with an eye of contempt in India.People have a general view that they are money mongers and so charge excessively higher.Being a gynecologist the doctor was visited by mostly people in and around the area populated by a good number of poor people especially Punjabi truck drivers and cleaners.One day a couple arrived at her clinic.The lady was pregnant soon she delivered a baby in hands of the doctor,but it was a girl.After few hour it was found that the couple vanished leaving the girl baby behind.The reason was obvious a girl child is more a liability for a poor Indian family.The Doctor tried to find the couple but at last she adapted the baby although she herself gave birth to two boys afterward.The girl was cared,educated and was able to secure a good job at a reputed bank.
Thus without waiting for some divine sign for doing goods person can still do his small share newer thinking about its rewards.The reason for writing about the incident is that tonight the girl is going to marry to a good boy.The invitation card of the marriage reads her as daughter of the doctor and her husband.A happy ending for a story that had a tragic start.
Some thoughts will always be coming to my mind Do the couple ever thinks or remembers the cute little child they left uncared and alone at the hospital bed and ......
Also how many times we ourselves have stopped ourselves behaving as a human.