Monday, May 31, 2010

Marrige summers and bachelorhood shed

It has been a usual phenomenon now.Every year ,in the summers , I learned that one of my friend or batch mate is going to get married.It needs no rocket science to calculate that among my friends the number of bachelors is decreasing every summer.While many have already got married a few have got engaged and soon they will leave our bachelors club.I don't understand why there's so hurry.I am afraid that i know why mmmmm..
Anyways it feels quite amazing when i attend a marriage.Apart from loss of one more friend ,the thing that amazes most is believing that what's happening is real not a dream.Of course one cant believe that these irresponsible lads who a few days ago were roaming aimlessly, chasing girls,emptying the bear bottles ,fighting over the last remaining cigarette and what not mischief,were finally adopting such a great responsibility.Sometimes i have my sincere sympathy for those innocent girls who have married these idots.As we friend know almost every idiosyncrasies of each other it makes very difficult to imagine how the serious affair like marriage is going to managed by them.I often wonder how the couple is gonna live that "HAPPY MARRIED LIFE".It may sound childish but its true.
Anyways i always pray that my friends should be happy wherever on this world(also those few who are in the another world) but now i think i have to widen the sphere of my prayers to include the include their spouses too.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Dangerous games people are playing (contd.)

By just pointing out errors of others one cant escape his own responsibility .Its a saying that when you pin point one finger on others your own three fingers are pointed towards you.So while different dangerous games people are playing in the Naxal vs. State issue,it is no doubt that the people of India will be one who are sure to loose.It would be a noble gesture if that parties involved instead of talking in form of propaganda and playing moves come honestly;y and put things transparently.First the government,it must accept that it has been failing to take care of the issues of the tribals and poor.Also the government should make clear that whether the recent attention given to naxal affected tribal areas is result of its genuine concern for the tribals or dictated by the corporates . Has government studied the implications and impact of industrialisation of these areas.Also whether government will be protecting the rights and entitlements of the displaced or it will be ruthlessly implementing the corporate agenda.Their are other various questions that the government must clarify.
The political system too must come forward and take proactive role in this matter rather than acting as fence sitters.Absence of political debate and neglecting this important issue by other trivial matters is not going to be good for the future polity of this nation.
Naxals must clear their position.What are their objectives and their issue in common terms without ideological strings attached.They must understand that ownership of the resources is governed by the constitution and neither tribals nor non tribals claim their ownership.If they have some alternate idea or model of development they must exhibit it.Also instead of forcibly taking peoples' consent they must let them make their choice.
A few suggestion in this regard are:
Government must make the process of industrialisation transparent whether MOUs,land acquisition,Environment Impact Analysis,"Jan sunvais" and others.
2.Government officials should see where the public interest lies.They must ensure that the displaced re given the best possible deal. SOCIAL IMPACT ANALYSIS ALONG WITH ENVIRONMENT IMPACT ANALYSIS SHOULD BE COMPULSORY.
3.Government should study the prospects of legalizing the Janatana sarkars as local bodies under panchayati raj Act.This will be a confidence building step.Also Janatana sarkars should shed its military dalams .
4.Local language and traditions must be recognised.Activities of hindu bodies as well as christian mission must be regulated through moral persuasions.
5.Long tern compensations to the displaced must be ensured in form of jobs,shares ,equity etc.
6."Alternate model of development " ,as often Naxal propose, is an important issue to be debated widely and experimented in various places.Community ownership and management of resources where ever possible must be given a chance.


Monday, May 24, 2010

Dangerous games people are playing..........

Manmoham Singh

PM Manamohan Singh by saying "naxals are greatest internal security threat to India" has metamorphosed a grave socio-economic problem into a question of war.It reminds me of George bush who by coining the phrase "war against terror" easily camouflaged Americas skewed economic diplomatic policies and belligerent military ope rations.The problem with these phrase is that they are provoking and close the doors of conciliation's and mutual understanding.Issue which may be some shades of grey turn into matters of black and white.So either you are with us or against.PM's famous statement often quoted by many has took Naxal problem to a stage where opinions are getting polarised.Hon'ble PM who has never cared about the economic conditions of the rural and tribal hinterlands of our country and who along with Planning commission vice chairman Montek Singh Alhuwalia is obsessed with the figures and numerals of GDP growth rate,has only visited to Chhattisgarh one or twice in his tenure of 6 years.He didn't even came in the high days of state assembly elections atleast to campaign for his party.Problem with leaders like him ,who are not elected and are situated by some powerful people behind the curtain, is that responsibility is ambiguous and the are far removed from ground realities.He looks thorough theoretical mindset and relies on reports and data provided by bureaucratic system.Naxals haven't came from outside or they want session .The support they are enjoying has been built up in a long period of time when the government was sleeping.Pigeonholing a grave problem of livelihood ,exploitation ,malnutrition and fraud in to a single phrase "greatest internal security threat" PM has played a dangerous move in already complex game.The bloodshed occuring every few days is the result ofhis lack of understanding of the issue.

Sonia Gandhi

She is the person who should have understood and intervened appropriately but she didn't cared.Political face must be saved at the cost of lives of tribals and policemen.While she has got power she is without any responsibility.As a Presdent of a 125 year old party ,which Mahatma Gandhi lead in strugge for independence,Jawahar lal Nehru was whose Prime Minister and other achievements are in its history,she has to come forward.Naxal issue is also a prblem of political marginalisation and disempowernmnet of tribals living in faroff place so a political process in utmost necessary to tackle it.As a leader of Congress party which is also in government Smt.Sonia Gandhi must have mobilised party workers ,frontal organisations MLAs M.P.s and others to intervene in the development of the naxal hit areas.But alas! the problem with congress party and its leaders is that when in power they do not see anything,do not hear anything and do not do anything(stritly follow Gandhian Maxim).

The BJP and Raman Singh

BJP has a habit uplifting every emotion provoking issue to a war mongering stage whether its babri masjid,Kashmir or 26/11,afjal guru,kasab and so on .War,killing ,extermination are patent words f this party and its leaders.They ride on high tides f people's emotion and make the complex issue even more complex.They try to profit from problems in ever possible manner.Raman Singh used Tadmetla incident as pretext to ask for more central funds .After all whom the military is going.Indian killing indians.Fascist BJP thinks that every issue can be solved with iron hands.They are taking the country to a point of no return and uncontrollable emotional state.

Digvijay Singh,Ajit Jogi

These people who are thrown out of the political canvas are trying to enter with a bang and naxal issue has provided a golden oppurtunity to them.They are also the persons who could have taken care of the problem at its nacent stage when it was not even a problem.Digvijay Singh was 2 times CM of Madhya Pradesh and Ajit Jogi was long time M.P. and C.M. of Chhattisgarh for 3 years.Instead of taking care of the socio ecnomic problems of tribal these gentlemen were busy in making profits out of their posts.


From naxals i mean those bloodthirsty people who on the pretext of giving voice to the exploited tribals and villagers ,made it a business of extortion and earning.By depriving poor people from the Governments welfare and developmental policies and most importantly "peace" they are playing a dangerous game whose result is brutal and grotesque.Rejecting offers f negotiations and talks naxals are driving the simple problem of falied mutual understanding,rights and entitlements to a war cry.Their every ambush operation is taking them towards a dead end.

The Tribals

All though they are part of the game but their role is as much as a football in a match.First government officials like forest guards ,revenue collectors and others exploited them with connivance of contractors.Then naxals ,who promised them a golden future, made use of them.The only game they are playing is being the game.


I have full sympathy with these people .They are the one who know what is wrong and why,alo they are the one who want to help and they are not getting anything profitable from this ,but still are helpless and sometimes have to face the irk of media and public.The government provides them scholarship for studying and researching about different issues but when the time comes to listen to their views and opinion government turn its ears off.Government relies more on its trained IAS and IPS officers who only care for their chair.Naxals although listen to the intellectuals but only till the music is sweet for them.They pay attenion only to have them on their side but they do not follow the intellecuals' ideas. Intellectuals too only see what the naxals want them to see.

The Media

Caught in the competition of Breaking news and TRPs the electronic and print media is basically feeding the fire through its irresponsible behaviour.Media is often called the fourth pillar of democracy but it cant be a pillar of democracy because unlike the other pillars it has no responsibility and accountability.Playing as a propaganda machine media chase the sides which is gaining in the conflict.Supporting Government ensures advertisements to them and supporting Naxals gives them public gaze(TRPs).Media should know that Governments have never liked the independence and autonomy of media today and its duty of media to not only question the moves of government but also provide the ground realities to those in the establishment.Also those in media who are acting as mouthpieces of naxals and supporting their propoganda should know that communist ideology has no place for corporate media preset in india .Maoists are offening hospitality to reporters till they are writing in their favour the days naxals have achieved in their heinous objectives the same media will have to face the music.
