By just pointing out errors of others one cant escape his own responsibility .Its a saying that when you pin point one finger on others your own three fingers are pointed towards you.So while different dangerous games people are playing in the Naxal vs. State issue,it is no doubt that the people of India will be one who are sure to loose.It would be a noble gesture if that parties involved instead of talking in form of propaganda and playing moves come honestly;y and put things transparently.First the government,it must accept that it has been failing to take care of the issues of the tribals and poor.Also the government should make clear that whether the recent attention given to naxal affected tribal areas is result of its genuine concern for the tribals or dictated by the corporates . Has government studied the implications and impact of industrialisation of these areas.Also whether government will be protecting the rights and entitlements of the displaced or it will be ruthlessly implementing the corporate agenda.Their are other various questions that the government must clarify.
The political system too must come forward and take proactive role in this matter rather than acting as fence sitters.Absence of political debate and neglecting this important issue by other trivial matters is not going to be good for the future polity of this nation.
Naxals must clear their position.What are their objectives and their issue in common terms without ideological strings attached.They must understand that ownership of the resources is governed by the constitution and neither tribals nor non tribals claim their ownership.If they have some alternate idea or model of development they must exhibit it.Also instead of forcibly taking peoples' consent they must let them make their choice.
A few suggestion in this regard are:
Government must make the process of industrialisation transparent whether MOUs,land acquisition,Environment Impact Analysis,"Jan sunvais" and others.
2.Government officials should see where the public interest lies.They must ensure that the displaced re given the best possible deal. SOCIAL IMPACT ANALYSIS ALONG WITH ENVIRONMENT IMPACT ANALYSIS SHOULD BE COMPULSORY.
3.Government should study the prospects of legalizing the Janatana sarkars as local bodies under panchayati raj Act.This will be a confidence building step.Also Janatana sarkars should shed its military dalams .
4.Local language and traditions must be recognised.Activities of hindu bodies as well as christian mission must be regulated through moral persuasions.
5.Long tern compensations to the displaced must be ensured in form of jobs,shares ,equity etc.
6."Alternate model of development " ,as often Naxal propose, is an important issue to be debated widely and experimented in various places.Community ownership and management of resources where ever possible must be given a chance.